A person’s fingernails can reveal a lot about their health. Most often, fingernail lines are harmless. However, some lines could reveal health problems such as diabetes, thyroid disease, nutrient deficiencies, and more. Lines can run horizontally or vertically and be accompanied by other deformities like discoloration, thickening, and pitting, depending on the underlying disease. Here’s what you need to know about the lines in your fingernails.
7 Ways To Pee Less In The Middle Of The Night
There’s not much that’s more frustrating than interrupted sleep at night. For some, sleep is a challenge, but if you regularly have to get up to pee every few hours, then it’s especially difficult. Having to make a trip to the toilet in the middle of the night is referred to as “nocturia,” and it affects more women than men. [Read more…]
What This Oil From Morocco Can Do For Diabetes
You’re likely aware of argan oil’s many beauty benefits for the skin and hair. But what you may not know is that argan oil has been a staple in Moroccan homes for centuries — both for its use in culinary dishes and for its many health benefits. In fact, argan oil has been used for many years to treat acne, dry skin, wrinkles, and joint pain. But more recently, studies suggest that argan oil may be beneficial for diabetes. Here’s what you need to know about this exotic oil from Morocco.
Eat More Pumpkin: Here’s Why
Ah, fall. As the leaves change and flutter to the ground and the cool autumn breeze blows through bare braches, there’s something other than fresh air coming on the wind. Pumpkin. Or, more specifically, pumpkin-flavored everything. Bread, cookies, cakes, and the oh-so-famous pumpkin spice latte. Children shrieking with joy as they carefully select their favorite pumpkin from the patch, and pies with extra helpings of whipped cream garnishing the Thanksgiving table. This iconic orange fruit (yes, it’s actually a fruit) has a lot more to offer than fond memories and sugary treats, however. In fact, it may be just what you need to kick off your healthy holiday season.
Drinking This Warm Beverage Is Good For Your Heart and May Reduce Your Stroke Risk
Whether you think it tastes like grass or you enjoy the earthy flavor of this warm drink, it’s hard to deny the many proven health benefits of green tea. Originating in China, this fragrant tea gained popularity in the west and is now one most frequently enjoyed teas across America. Green tea comes from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, which is the same plant used to make oolong and black teas. However, green tea but processed through a different wilting an oxidation process which gives it an entirely different flavor and color.
Top 7 Benefits of Sea Buckthorn Oil (I really like #4)
Sea buckthorn oil is an essential oil extracted from the berries or seeds of the sea buckthorn plant. Contrary to what its name suggests, this plant does not grow on the sea floor, or anywhere near the ocean. In fact, it is a small shrub that grows most predominately in the northwest region of the Himalayas at high altitudes.
Guanabana For Cancer Prevention? 7 Amazing Reasons To Eat This Tropical Fruit
Watch out, world. There is a new superfruit in town! Okay, guanabana (Annona muricata), is not exactly new, but it continues to make headlines for its superpowers. Guanabana, also known as soursop, custard apple or Brazilian Paw Paw, comes from the graviola tree that is native to Mexico. It is frequently used in South America for beverages and in candy, and its leaves are made into tea.
What is guanabana?
The guanabana fruit, which is more commonly known to us as soursop, is a prickly fruit with white flesh that is said to have a sweet and sour taste like a combination of strawberries and pineapple with just a hint of sour citrus. The bumpy skin is green and not edible but the white flesh is often used as an ingredient in ice cream, beverages and candy. It is quite nutritious with a variety of B vitamins as well as vitamin C, phosphorus and calcium. Plus, it is high in antioxidants.
In ancient medicine, the fruit, leaves and bark of the tree have been used to cure diseases and disorders like dysentery, diarrhea, worms and even parasites in the digestive system. To this day, in some South American countries, the fruit and leaves are used to treat mucus membranes from the nose, throat and lungs.
Breast cancer treatment
Studies suggest that the antioxidants and phytonutrients of the guanabana fruit fight disease-causing cells, including tumors. In fact, a study conducted in 1997 found that guanabana worked better than chemotherapy in destroying breast cancer cells!
Root canals
During root canals, dentists will usually irrigate the root canal with a chemical solution that is actually found in bleach. However, scientists may have found a better way. A study in the Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice suggests that using guanabana leaves may actually be a much healthier alternative to irrigate the root canal. That’s because guanabana leaves are high in anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Who knew?
Pancreatic cancer
Pancreatic cancer claims the lives of about 85 percent of patients. It is estimated that at least 44,000 cases are diagnosed each year. Surprisingly, the extract of guanabana has been shown to help reduce rates of pancreatic cancer. A study performed by the University of Nebraska Medical Center found that these cancer cells have a high glucose uptake, but when treated with the guanabana extract their glucose uptake went down, compared to those cells that were left untreated.
Though it has not been studied in humans, laboratory rats saw a 75 percent decrease in blood glucose levels after being treated with extract from guanabana leaves. In combination with a diet low in processed carbohydrates, this could mean that patients with diabetes could see a significant decrease in their blood glucose levels.
Urinary tract infections
Urinary tract or bladder infections are most common in women and can be extremely painful. Usually, doctors prescribe strong antibiotics to treat the infection, but these can come with a host of side effects. The most common alternative treatment is pure cranberry juice or extract, but have you considered guanabana? Some people use this fruit because of its high vitamin C content and the high volume of water it contains. No clinical trials have been performed to support the claim that guanabana is effective, but there is plenty of anecdotal evidence to suggest that it may be able to treat urinary tract infections.
Western medicine usually relies on antibiotics to treat parasites, but guanabana has been used in ancient medicines for just this purpose. It is the amino acids, ascorbic acid, thiamin, iron, phosphorus, fiber and riboflavin that are said to inhibit parasites in the body.
Other potential benefits of guanabana
Thanks to the high amount of nutrients in the fruit and leaves, guanabana has been used for medicinal purpose for thousands of years. Vitamin C, for instance, is known to increase endurance and it slows down the aging process. Tryptophan, also naturally-occurring in this fruit, can potentially help with sleep and relaxation. Guanabana is rich in soluble and insoluble fiber which could make it a great relief for constipation. In addition, the extract from the guanabana leaves is frequently used in essential oils and aromatherapy.
How to eat guanabana
If you can find guanabana sold in a store, likely an Asian or Hispanic supermarket, wash the fruit under running water. Sometimes dirt can collect in the bumps, so you may even want to scrub the fruit. It is best to cut the fruit in half and spoon out the flesh, but you can also easily peel the skin and cut the flesh into pieces. Watch out for the seeds; they are not edible and should be spit out like the seeds of a watermelon. Also, do remember that the skin of the fruit is not edible.
Side effects of guanabana
While this superfruit is certainly worth exploring as an addition to a balanced diet, it is advised not to use it in excess. Side effects like diarrhea, excessive sweating and increased body heat have been reported by people who used guanabana in large amounts.
— Susan Patterson
Arthritis Relief + 11 Other Reasons I Eat Radishes Every Day
Radishes aren’t talked about all that often when superfoods are mentioned, but whether they’re red, white, purple or black, cooked, raw or pickled, they offer a ton when it comes to nutrition, along with a wide range of health benefits. A root crop, they’re juicy and have either a sweet or pungent taste that makes them ideal tossed into a salad, as part of a side dish or even as a main course. [Read more…]
How to Reverse Prediabaetes Naturally
This is a staggering statistic, over 84 million people in the United States have been pre-diagnosed with diabetes. This dangerous condition which puts people on the edge of a very serious and life-threatening condition may be something that you are quite familiar with. In fact, it is likely that you are someone you know struggles with pre-diabetes. According to the Mayo Clinic, pre-diabetes is a condition where fasting blood sugar is between 100 to 125 mg/dl. After blood sugar rises to 126 mg/dl or higher on two tests, a person is diagnosed with diabetes.
There is great difficulty, however, in diagnosing pre-diabetes as many times there are no apparent symptoms. The condition just kind of creeps along and before you know it you might have developed full-blown diabetes. Director of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) Brenda Fitzgerald, M.D. many individuals don’t even know they are prediabetic.
Warning signs
There are a number of different warning signs that your body may be expressing as a means to show you that your blood sugar is not where it needs to be.It is imperative, especially if you are overweight or over 45 years of age to pay heed to these warning signs:
- Feeling thirsty or hungry even after eating or drinking
- Blurry vision
- Fatigue
- Tingling or pain in your extremities
- Frequent urinary, vaginal or groin infections
- Slow healing of wounds
- Chronically dry and itchy skin
How to stop pre-diabetes in its tracks
If you have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes, think of it as a blessing and know that you don’t have to succumb to full-blown diabetes but can naturally reverse the condition and improve your overall health and wellbeing. Know that it has been shown that Type 2 diabetes responds better t lifestyle changes than to dangerous drug treatments and pre-diabetes can be entirely reversed by making a few very simple and easy to follow changes.
Add fruits and veggies to your diet: Yet another great reason to eat more fruits and veggies, they can help reverse any issues you are having with blood sugar. The National Institute of Health (NIH) states that diets that are rich in insoluble fiber give the most protection against diabetes. Some people feel that eating fruit is bad for people with sugar issues, however, the high water content and fiber found in the form of cellulose in fruits allow a very moderate amount of sugar to enter the bloodstream. In addition, if you eat a number of different fruits it can help to keep cravings for other sweet foods at bay. So, if you are struggling with pre-diabetes be sure to add plenty of fruit to your diet, especially apples, bananas and berries of all types.
Move more: We live in a relatively sedentary culture. Much of what we do is done from the comfort of our couch, office chair or car. Because of this, as a society, we move less than we should move. Exercise is a key factor in reducing the risk fo one developing full-blown diabetes. Although researchers have focused hard and for quite some time on food, exercise is equally important. Studies have shown that exercise is, in fact, highly important and a necessary part of blood sugar moderation.
Moderate exercise three to four times a week will help:
- Regulate blood sugar
- Lower blood pressure
- Decrease “bad” cholesterol
- Improve heart health and reduce the risk of heart and lung disease
- Improve BMI and regulate weight
Exercise helps the body use fuel and improves the metabolism of sugars, fats, and proteins in the blood, placing a greater emphasis on carbohydrates for fuel for muscles.
A study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health found that middle-aged adults with Type 2 diabetes had a significant reduction in blood pressure, an improved lipid profile, and more balanced blood sugar.
Eat more spices: According to the GreenMedInfo database, there are over 70 natural substances that are known to reduce the risk of diabetes. These include the powerhouse turmeric that contains a potent polyphenol known as curcumin. This spice has been proven to be effective in a clinical setting at preventing prediabetes from becoming full-blown diabetes.
Stop smoking: You may know that smoking increases the risk of lung cancer, emphysema, and heart disease but did you know that it also increases the risk of diabetes by 40% over non-smokers? In addition, smoking complicates the disease, making it difficult to manage insulin dosing effectively.
-Susan Patterson
Foods That Balance Blood Sugar And Promote Weight Loss
Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes impacting over 27 million Americans and is one of the fastest growing health conditions in our country. According to a study published in the Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology, type 2 diabetes accounts for 90%-95%of all diabetes cases in America. With these startling statistics, it would behoove us to ask why this condition is so prevalent. The number one risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes is obesity. It is not surprising that the number of overweight and obese people in this country is skyrocketing. The Centers for Disease Control report that more than one-third of adults are obese.
Maintaining a healthy weight is one of the best ways to keep from developing diabetes along with a host of other conditions including hypertension, heart disease, and cancer.
Understanding blood sugar
Once you have finished eating a meal, the sugars contained in the food enter the bloodstream and raise the sugar levels. In response, the pancreas produces insulin which lowers the blood sugar levels so that the cells can take up sugar for energy.Waiting too long to eat or eating a diet laden with unhealthy foods will cause blood sugar to fall too low. In an effort to maintain balance, the body produces the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol. Eating healthy foods that will help your blood sugar stabilize is a good thing at this point. However, if you continue to eat poorly or skip meals, the stress hormones will hang out and cause chaos. Cortisol will signal your body to hang on to fat, especially around the midsection.
What is insulin resistance?
Eventually, the cells in muscles, liver, and fat no longer respond to insulin and the sugar builds up in the blood, leading to insulin resistance, diabetes and a number of scary medical conditions.
Get control and keep control
Controlling blood sugar is a key to maintaining a healthy weight and keeping type 2 diabetes from developing. Many popular food items cause blood sugar spikes and promote overeating and fat storage. These foods include fatty foods, foods that contain artificial sweeteners, foods that contain wheat and sugar. Controlling blood sugar will keep your appetite from going crazy and allow your body to use calories efficiently for energy.
Signs that your blood sugar is out of whack
Because the human body is all about balance, it will give us signs when something is not right. The key is to understand your body well enough to know the signs and make the necessary changes to bring the body back into balance. Here are some signs that your body might give you when your blood sugar is not where it should be.
- It is hard for you to lose weight
- Your waist is bigger than your hips
- You crave sweet food
- You are irritable if you miss a meal
- You cry or get anxious for no reason
- You wake up a lot at night
- You feel “out of it”
- You are hungry all the time
- You get really sleepy in the afternoon
Foods that help you balance your blood sugar
There are a number of foods that you can eat to help keep your blood sugar from flying off the rails. Including these foods in your diet will give you energy and stave off cravings for unhealthy foods.
- Greens – Nutrient dense greens such as kale, broccoli, and spinach are full of fiber and calcium. Eating some greens with every meal will keep your blood sugar on track.
- Healthy protein – Wild caught fish, free-range eggs, and free-range beef are excellent sources of blood sugar-stabilizing protein. Aim for 4 to 6 ounces twice a day for best results.
- Gluten-free grains – Protein-rich, gluten-free grains including quinoa and millet will give you plenty of energy throughout the day without spiking your blood sugar.
- Nuts – Nuts are loaded with healthy fat that keeps you from binging on unhealthy foods. They also contain fiber and protein, which will help your body maintain blood sugar stability.
- Beans – Lentils and garbanzo beans are especially helpful when it comes to blood sugar management. They are high in fiber and protein and low in fat. Remember to soak dry beans overnight before eating to ease digestion.
Apple cider vinegar and blood sugar
Research shows that consuming apple cider vinegar before meals and before bedtime will help keep levels of sugar in the blood even as it increases insulin’s sensitivity. Of course, this is something you can do in addition to eating a healthy diet. Take one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with warm water three times a day. To sweeten you can add a little raw, organic honey or some stevia drops.
Other things you can do
In addition to eating a healthy diet, be sure that you are drinking enough water daily, exercising at least twenty minutes a day, sleeping at least 7 hours a night and managing the stress in your life. Paying particular attention to these things will help your body keep blood sugar in check.
-Susan Patterson