You probably already know how much the weather impacts your mood. Generally speaking, if it’s pleasantly warm and sunny out, you are probably in a better mood than if it’s dreary and cloudy or scorching hot. Light, warmth, and the overall climate play considerable roles in psychological science, which makes season preference an incredibly interesting topic.
Eat More Pumpkin: Here’s Why
Ah, fall. As the leaves change and flutter to the ground and the cool autumn breeze blows through bare braches, there’s something other than fresh air coming on the wind. Pumpkin. Or, more specifically, pumpkin-flavored everything. Bread, cookies, cakes, and the oh-so-famous pumpkin spice latte. Children shrieking with joy as they carefully select their favorite pumpkin from the patch, and pies with extra helpings of whipped cream garnishing the Thanksgiving table. This iconic orange fruit (yes, it’s actually a fruit) has a lot more to offer than fond memories and sugary treats, however. In fact, it may be just what you need to kick off your healthy holiday season.