Just because something is blended into a smoothie, doesn’t make it healthy. That “power smoothie” you enjoy for breakfast can quickly turn into more of a dessert treat depending on the ingredients contained within. Do you want to drink a milkshake for breakfast or something that is actually nutritious? Here are a few things that can quickly ruin a good smoothie and what you should add instead to boost the nutritional value and contribute to your health.
Why I Stopped Eating This Kind of Yogurt
Yogurt, one of the healthiest breakfasts you can enjoy, right? Actually, traditional yogurt, whether it is nonfat, low-fat, or any other variation is often packed full of artificial flavoring and sugar and is generally more a dessert food than a healthy way to start your day. For years, Americans have been fooled into believing that the yogurt they buy in the store is full of healthy gut bacteria and probiotics. In reality, yogurt has the potential to be a health powerhouse, but its additives often outweigh its benefits and it is causing your body more harm than good.