While cosmetic companies would like to convince you that their particular chemical compositions of skin-boosting ingredients form a fountain of youth to ward off wrinkles, help your nails grow, and keep your hair thick and full, that’s not always the case. The truth is, the best way to improve your outward appearance is to take care of the inside of your body. Great health starts from within, and a nutrient-rich diet can mean the difference between dry skin, brittle nails and limp hair, and glowing skin, shiny nails, and vibrant locks.
Eat More Pumpkin: Here’s Why
Ah, fall. As the leaves change and flutter to the ground and the cool autumn breeze blows through bare braches, there’s something other than fresh air coming on the wind. Pumpkin. Or, more specifically, pumpkin-flavored everything. Bread, cookies, cakes, and the oh-so-famous pumpkin spice latte. Children shrieking with joy as they carefully select their favorite pumpkin from the patch, and pies with extra helpings of whipped cream garnishing the Thanksgiving table. This iconic orange fruit (yes, it’s actually a fruit) has a lot more to offer than fond memories and sugary treats, however. In fact, it may be just what you need to kick off your healthy holiday season.
Stop Buying These Foods in 2019
The New Year is a great time to start a new diet, a new exercise routine, or make changes in your relationships with friends and family. However, sometimes those changes can seem like too much of a commitment or it can be challenging to stick to them, and you are left feeling hopeless and discouraged. But there are a few simple ways that you can kickstart the new year that will help you feel healthier, give you more energy and even save you money. Use the remainder of the year to purge these foods from your pantry and start 2019 with a clean cupboard. You don’t have to stick to some elaborate diet to begin your health journey, simply stop buying these unhealthy foods and you are off to a great start!