Many people make the mistake of spending piles of cash at the health food store buying exotic supplements and specialty ingredients to keep them healthy. But did you know there are plenty of heart-healthy foods that are affordable – and even downright cheap – that can be easily found at your local grocery store?
Why Oatmeal is the #1 Best Breakfast Food
Finding the perfect breakfast food that will help wake you up and keep you full until lunch can be incredibly challenging. Plus, it can be hard to find something that you won’t get bored of after a few weeks. Though smoothies can often fill this purpose, chilly mornings call for something a little more warming to tempt you out of bed and help motivate you to take on the day. A famous, popular, totally customizable, but often forgotten breakfast may be the answer for all of your winter morning needs. Read on to find out why oatmeal is the ultimate breakfast food.
7 Ways to Use Food for Your Skin
Believe it or not, those ten products that you apply to your skin every morning and evening aren’t going to do you any good when you are filling your body with processed foods and sugary drinks like soda. Great skin starts from the inside out, and eating a whole foods diet with loads of vegetables, and limited sugar is a great way to recapture that youthful glow.
Wondering If Oat Milk is All That?
Oat milk has often fallen in the shadow of other, plant-based milk alternatives such as coconut and almond milk. However, its recent surge in popularity and numerous benefits has made it a viable contender for the top spot. So what exactly is oat milk? Is it actually good for you? And what should you look for when buying this yummy milk?