Onions aren’t just an easy way to add flavor to soup, a crunchy topping for your next sandwich or a great source of antioxidants with inflammation-reducing capabilities. These potent root vegetables actually have many strange uses that you’ve probably never heard of. From removing splinters to cleaning your grill, it’s time to take these eye-watering onions for a trip outside the kitchen.
Try These Easy 5 Ingredient Dinners You Can Make in a Snap
Faced with shut down restaurants and the new term “social distancing,” many people are having to exercise their home-cooking muscles and break out little-used pots and pans. If you don’t spend much time in the kitchen or your days are filled to the brim, you’ll love these simple, easy-to-understand recipes that use many ingredients you likely already have on hand.
What You Need to Know About a Grain-Free Diet
As minimal or no-grain diets like keto and paleo become more and more popular, it is becoming evident that grains (even gluten-free ones) aren’t for everyone. If you’re struggling to lose those last few inches of belly fat, find yourself drained of energy by mid-morning, and are keeping an ever-expanding list of aches and pains, it may be time to consider cutting out grains from your diet. Not convinced? Read on to find out all you need to know about a grain-free diet.
5 Reasons to Eat More Olives
You probably have never given much thought to olives, considering them an enjoyable addition to pizza or salad, but not good for much else. In fact, the oppostie is true. Olives are a closet nutritional powerhouse, full of amazing health benefits that can improve your energy, immune system, and even help you lose weight. Here are a few reasons to snack on olives every day.