There is nothing that hampers productivity more than constant hunger pangs. When you’re hungry, it is easy to become distracted, lethargic, and irritable. Not to mention that the midafternoon slump usually hits around the busiest part of the day and in your haste, its easy to grab an unhealthy, sugary snack or fast food. These type of indulgent treats such as fancy coffee drinks, chips, and french fries give your body the illusion of being full and can increase your hunger, leading to a vicious snacking cycle. You will receive a momentary sugar and carb-induced spike in energy levels and then experience a dangerous blood sugar crash.
Why I Put Cucumbers on My Eyes Before Bed Each Night
If you are like me, you have a regular bedtime routine that helps you prepare for a great night’s sleep. My routine generally starts with a cup of chamomile tea, a few before bed stretches, and turning my phone off until the next day. I find that these things all help me relax and prepare my body and mind to wind down.
7 Things Celery Can Do For Your Health
Celery would never be added to a list of the top five most popular vegetables. In fact, many find this stringy, crunchy stalk to be downright nasty. However, all of the hate for celery is certainly not justified, as it has actually been shown to have incredible health benefits that can help reduce inflammation, improve digestion, and so much more.