You’ve probably experienced an annoying eye twitch at some point in your life. Eyelid spasms are fairly common and generally harmless. They can even last for a few months without causing any long term damage. And though you may think it is incredibly obvious, most people don’t notice when your eyelid starts acting of its own accord. So what exactly causes this condition and how can you stop it?
5 Things That Happen When You Simplify Your Life
Minimalism is a trendy word right now with numerous Instagram influencers raving about how much better their life is now that they only own 20 pieces of clothing. This extremism isn’t for everyone and isn’t feasible for many of our lifestyles. However, there is some truth behind the minimalism mandate and a few very good reasons to simplify your life. Here is what happens when you cut back on clutter and detach from your stuff.
6 Reasons Your Hair is Falling Out and What You Can Do
Rapid, unexplained hair loss can be concerning and often embarrassing for men and women alike. Whether your hair has suddenly started falling out in clumps, or you notice bald patches on your head, there could be a number of reasons for your thinning mane. Take action today and reclaim your luscious locks.
Could Brain Tingling Help You Sleep?
If you are someone who has been caught up in the ASMR craze, things are about to get real.
End Insomnia and Migraines with Magnesium
You, like many other Americans, may be lacking in a very important mineral, magnesium. Not getting enough magnesium can cause a number of symptoms from fatigue to nausea and cramps. A lack of magnesium can also bring on seizures and even coronary spasms.
Magnesium is utilized by each and every organ in the body, particularly the kidneys, muscles, and heart – yet 80 percent of us don’t get enough of this nutrient. The majority of the mineral is stored in organs and bones where it can be utilized for all types of biological functions, and as so many people are deficient in it without being aware of the issue, it’s sometimes referred to as the “invisible deficiency.”
Magnesium is a macro-mineral
Magnesium is a macro-mineral. That means that unlike trace minerals, the body needs it in significant amounts in order for it to function the way it would. Still, only 20 to 25 percent of Americans get the recommended daily amount, which is 310 to 320 mg for women and 400 to 420 mg for men.
You might be thinking, “I eat healthily, I rarely if ever eat junk or processed foods, so why would I be lacking magnesium?” Even if you are following a nutritious diet you may very well be deficient due to farming practices which ultimately produce less nutrient-rich foods. Other factors can contribute to a deficiency as well, such as drinking an excessive amount of caffeinated beverages and/or being under a lot of stress.
But how bad is it really do not get enough magnesium?
You might be surprised that a lack of the nutrient could actually be causing symptoms you didn’t even consider could be related to a deficiency such as:
Having a hard time getting a good night’s sleep? Magnesium works to reduce nerve conduction in the muscles, and it can also slow down neuronal activities in the brain. By decreasing the electrical conduction between brain cells, magnesium is then able to reduce the “noise” signals that cause anxiety and sleeplessness, inducing calm and promoting sedation. As even marginal magnesium deficiency can cause muscle spasms, irregular heartbeat, and hyperexcitability, it’s fairly common for low magnesium levels to trigger insomnia.
Leg cramps and restless leg syndrome
More than 70 percent of adults suffer from leg cramps regularly. Although they typically go away after several minutes, the pain can be debilitating. While this can sometimes be the result of an underlying condition, a lack of magnesium can also be the cause.
Another way that a magnesium deficiency can interrupt sleep is via restless leg syndrome. Low magnesium levels lead to poor control of electrical conduction in the neurons that are in the muscles, which then leads to a prolonged opening of the calcium channels and increased muscular activity. The result is muscle spasms which present as restless leg syndrome. Restless leg syndrome (RLS) is the term used to describe the involuntary movement of limbs caused by magnesium deficiency.
Anxiety can be brought on by many things. Sometimes it’s an organic issue and may not be caused by anything at all, though it could result from financial difficulties, a challenging new job, the current state of the world or just about anything in between – but, it can also be caused by a lack of magnesium. Stress can cause a magnesium deficiency, and a lack of this important mineral tends to magnify the stress reaction, making the problem even worse.
High blood pressure
In addition to playing an essential role in the nervous system to help the brain relax, magnesium also aids in dilating and relaxing the blood vessels. When you have a deficiency, it can result in hypertension, or high blood pressure, by increasing blood vessel constriction.
If you have ever had a migraine you know just how horrible they can be. Research has shown that migraine sufferers frequently have a lack of magnesium in the body. Studies have demonstrated that people who suffer from these debilitating headaches who take a magnesium supplement have fewer migraines and reduced symptoms.
More benefits of magnesium
- Improved bone health
- Less pain
- Increased energy
- Better heart health
- A lower risk of diabetes
- Stronger muscles
Magnesium Rich Foods
Including these magnesium-rich foods in your diet will help you get more of this very important nutrient that you need.
- Dark chocolate
- Avocados
- Seeds
- Bananas
- Leafy greens
-Susan Patterson
5 Yoga Poses To Stop A Panic Attack Now
If you’ve ever experienced a panic attack, you know how disruptive they can be. If you’ve never had one, trust me when I say panic attacks can convince you that you’re going to die right where you stand. My solution? Drop into one (or more) of these yoga poses. Each one can bring you back to center and cut a panic attack off before it takes over. [Read more…]
Grow These 8 Plants For Natural Anxiety Relief
Anxiety is the most common mental illness in the United States. It affects around 40 million adults each year, or 18.1 percent of the population. While most of the people who have an anxiety disorder go without treatment, you don’t have to have a full-on disorder to experience anxiety and stress. [Read more…]
7 Things Your Hair Is Trying To Tell You
How you style your hair communicates your personality to the world. But did you know that your hair communicates with you? Depending on its condition – and how much of it you have – your hair may be trying to tell you something. Our locks hold information about everything from our diet to genetic mutations and disorders. Here are seven things to look out for. [Read more…]
Can Concerts Every 2 Weeks Help You Live Longer? 5 Health Benefits Of Music
Most people love listening to music while they work or on their commute, but new research tells us that going to concerts on a regular basis can increase your life expectancy by nearly a decade. [Read more…]
8 Amazing Ways Mindfulness Can Make You A Better Athlete
From reduced stress to improved mood, mindfulness has gained a rep for being healthy for your body and brain. Many studies show that consistent mindfulness practice helps grow new neural pathways. These pathways can give you better focus and emotional stability, while reducing the size of the stress areas of the brain. New research shows that mindfulness can make you a better athlete by rewiring your brain for more body-mind awareness, pain management and overall improved well-being. [Read more…]