Chances are, you rarely think about or hear about your pancreas. Most of the time, you simply go about your daily life, and it does its work with no effort on your part. However, when the pancreas is mistreated and stops functioning correctly…you’ll notice right away. Unlike many other high profile organs such as the heart and lungs, the pancreas is often overlooked and isn’t even considered as the cause of many internal issues. Here are a few ways to give your pancreas some love and why this organ actually matters.
Arthritis Relief + 11 Other Reasons I Eat Radishes Every Day
Radishes aren’t talked about all that often when superfoods are mentioned, but whether they’re red, white, purple or black, cooked, raw or pickled, they offer a ton when it comes to nutrition, along with a wide range of health benefits. A root crop, they’re juicy and have either a sweet or pungent taste that makes them ideal tossed into a salad, as part of a side dish or even as a main course. [Read more…]