Whether you work from home at a dedicated desk, prefer to hop between coffee shops with your laptop, or spend your days in an office building, you most likely know that your environment can severely impact your productivity. Here are a few of our favorite ways to adjust your space to help you think better and work harder…wherever you are.
Adjust the lighting
Nothing is inspiring or motivating about being trapped under the harsh glare of fluorescent lights all day. If you work from home, open up those blinds, and let the natural light in to help boost your mood and keep you focused. Even better if you can crack the window for some fresh air as well. If you don’t have access to a window, put a small lamp with a soft light on your desk to create a more relaxing environment.
Bring in a plant
Houseplants are absolutely essential for any workplace. They help clean the air, provide oxygen, and give you something pretty to look at. If you aren’t great at keeping plants alive, try a succulent or cactus that requires minimal care and watering.
Clear the clutter
Unless you are one of the few people that thrive in a cluttered environment, you should probably take a few minutes and assess the state of your desk. That dirty mug that has been sitting there for a week? Yeah, it’s probably time to take that to your sink. Don’t be hesitant to embrace minimalism at your desk and be sure clear away any loose papers or random trash.
This also applies to your digital workspace. Sort through the notes and files on your computer and clean up your desktop. Give your laptop wallpaper a refresh and clean your screen. You’ll be surprised at how well this motivates you towards a productive day.
Let your personality shine
The number one rule when it comes to creating a productive workspace is to create a space that works for you. If you need background noise, play music while you work. If a messy desk sparks your creative process, then leave your desk messy. If you must have a spartan table with no distractions, then clear away those knick-knacks.
Keep a water bottle on hand
Wherever you work, always have a water bottle within reach. Not only will this help keep you hydrated, but it will also cause you to have to go to the bathroom. Why is that a good thing? It can often be hard to remember to get up and stretch your legs when you are busy working, so these short bathroom breaks will allow you to get some blood flowing and give you a brief change of scenery.
Put away your phone
Leaving your phone out on your desk is a recipe for disaster. Set it in another room or keep it in your purse or bag where it is a hassle to get to. Mute notifications or set it to do-not-disturb. You can even put on a timer for focused bursts of mindful work and then reward yourself for your hour of productivity with five minutes of social media.
Get up and walk around
Spend an hour and a half working and then get up and walk around for a few minutes. Go to the bathroom, fill up your water bottle, or do your dishes (if you work from home). These short breaks will allow your brain a short rest and will help inspire you to meet your goals.
Add an essential oil diffuser
Certain essential oils, such as peppermint and citrus, have been shown to help increase productivity and improve brain function. Keep a small essential oil diffuser on your desk and run it whenever you are working. If you pick a particular scent to reserve expressly as a “work scent,” your brain will begin to associate that smell with work, which will help you focus.
Invest in a good chair
There’s a lot to say about a good office chair, but simply put…you need one. Staying comfortable and working in an ergonomic position is vital for continued joy in the workspace. This will help save you time and money in the long run by investing in your body now. You spend so much of your day sitting at your desk that it makes sense to create a healthy, supportive environment.
-Susan Patterson